Use of nitrogen in soil applications. Among nitrogen fertilizers, urea is the most widely used, not only because of its high concentration but also because of its ease of use. However, its chemical nature favors the loss of nitrogen after application in proportions that may vary depending on the type of soil and climatic conditions.

These losses occur during the hydrolysis of urea in the soil, which is catalyzed by the enzyme urease and results in the formation and release of ammonia gas (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4+) into the atmosphere.

Nitrogen Efficient Technology. NITRO XTEND® XP is DISAGRO’s nitrogen technology, which can be applied at the exact moment when the plant demands more nitrogen. In most climatic conditions and under similar management conditions, the usage of nitrogen supplied with NITRO XTEND® XP will be higher compared to conventional urea.

The technology provided by NITRO XTEND® XP works by temporarily blocking urea hydrolysis, significantly reducing nitrogen volatilization losses in the form of ammonia gas.

Greater protection for your application. When NITRO XTEND® XP comes into contact with the soil, its technology blocks the active site of the urease enzyme, thus delaying the hydrolysis of the fertilizer and reducing nitrogen loss by volatilization.

Compared to urea, NITRO XTEND® XP reduces application costs, since it optimizes the cost of the effective unit of nitrogen, increasing the efficiency of nitrogen use by the plant, which translates into higher production.

The advantages of this technology are:

  • More nitrogen available to the crop

  • Lower cost per unit of effective nitrogen.

  • Lower application costs, since the fertilizer does not have to be incorporated.