Proximity sensors

Moisture sensors:
Moisture sensors: By adopting this type of sensors it is possible to estimate the volumetric moisture content in the soil every 10 centimeters up to a depth of 60 centimeters, every 15 minutes, recognize whether rain or irrigation water is infiltrating into the root zone of the crop and thus decide the most opportune moment for the application of soil fertilizers. With the alert system configured in AgritecGEO it is possible to automate irrigation times and flow rates.

Conductivity or salinity sensors:
These sensors allow estimating the total salt content in the soil solution in ranges from 10 centimeters to a maximum depth of 60 centimeters every 15 minutes. Knowledge of the concentration of soluble salts allows knowing whether the fertilizers applied have been solubilized and are available to be absorbed by the crop. In the same way, the farmer will be able to recognize salt depletion or accumulation profiles, presuming problems related to soil physics such as low porosity, limited water conductivity and compacted layers.


Chlorophyll sensors:
Chlorophyll content in plants is positively correlated with the greenness index of the crop and the nitrogen content of the plants and consequently their photosynthetic activity.

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